
A collection of HSL packages for use with IPOPT
Technology No.

Latest version: 2024.05.15

HSL provides a number of linear solvers that can be used in IPOPT. We provide several different ways for IPOPT users to download our codes.

Which solver?

For general use we recommend HSL_MA97. For small or highly sparse problems use MA57. For huge problems use HSL_MA86 (if factors fit in memory) or HSL_MA77 (if they don't).

SolverFree to allFree to academicsProblem sizeParallelRepeatable answersNotes
MA27YesYesSmallNoYesOutdated, relatively slow. 
Can be downloaded as a standalone package.
MA57YesSmall / MediumThreaded BLASYes
HSL_MA86YesLargeHighlyNo*Designed for multicore
HSL_MA97YesSmall / Medium / LargeYesYesSlower than HSL_MA86 on large problems

* Note: HSL_MA86 achieves repeatable answers in serial, however when running in parallel operations may be reordered for better performance. This leads to different (but equally valid) solutions.

Performance tips

  • Try different scaling options using solver specific settings in ipopt.opt.
  • For many problems scaling is not necessary. In particular try "ma57_automatic_scaling no" when using MA57 on small problems.
  • See our report On the effects of scaling on the performance of Ipopt for a review of these effects.
  • When using HSL_MA86 or HSL_MA97 ensure MeTiS ordering is compiled into Ipopt to maximize parallelism.
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (3)
    Product brochure
    sha256 checksums for CoinHSL distributables
    checksums.txt (3 KB)
    A list of changes in each release of CoinHSL
    ChangeLog.txt (3 KB)
    Additional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.
HSL Academic Licence
An academic licence for the HSL software tied to the licencee.

Term: perpetual

Free of charge

HSL Named User Licence
A commercial licence for the HSL software covering a set of named users.

Term: perpetual

Price per user:
£1,971.00 excl. VAT
Volume discounts available

HSL Commercial Small Site Licence
A commercial licence for the HSL software covering up to 20 concurrent users.

Term: perpetual

Price per site:
From £9,641.00 excl. VAT

HSL Commercial Unlimited Site Licence
A commercial licence for the HSL software for internal use.

Term: perpetual

Price per licence:
From £24,102.00 excl. VAT

HSL Incorporation Licence.
An incorporation licence for the HSL software

Term: perpetual

Price on approval

Questions about this technology?